Xu Xiuli

       He is currently the Dean of School of International Development and Global Agriculture and Professor of School of Humanities and Development at China Agricultural University.
       He has been a visiting scholar at the Centre for Development Studies of Cambridge University, the Institute of International Development Studies of the United Kingdom, the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities of Zhejiang University, and Mendel University of the Czech Republic. He has conducted field research and exchanges in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, and provided policy advice to relevant government departments and specialized agencies of the United Nations.
       His research and teaching areas include: international development theory and practice, China-Africa cooperation and foreign aid, development cooperation and cultural exchange in the “Belt and Road”, development thinking and development knowledge, etc. He has hosted or participated in National Social Science Foundation and Natural Science Foundation projects, and won provincial and ministerial awards. She has published papers in top journals at home and abroad, such as World Development, World Economy and Politics. She is the co-founder of International Development Times (IDT), an international development knowledge platform, and teaches courses on general development, global affairs and development, advanced development studies, and international organization management. “He was awarded the Springer-Nature: China’s New Development Award in 2020 for his co-authored book.