Wine Culture and Tasting Workshop

Event Description:
    Wine is the world’s universal language of communication, and knowledge of it will help students in their future socialization, no matter what they do after graduation. For this wine tasting workshop, the Youth Global Competence Training and Development Office invited Mr. Kang Tai, a WSET Level 4 and WSET certified instructor, and an industry tasting expert to be the guide. In this wine culture and tasting workshop, Mr. Kang Tai and the Project Office selected 7 wines from famous wine regions around the world, including China, and led the participants to experience and practice wine etiquette, tasting methods and wine pairing. Let’s follow the world class judge on a wine tour around the world!

Mentor Profile:

Kang Tai
– Founder of LITS Wine & Spirit
– WSET Diploma British Wine and Spirit Foundation Level 4 Sommelier
– WSET Nominated Educator British Wine and Spirit Education Foundation Certified Instructor
– International Wine Challenge 2018—Judge of World Wine Tasting Competition London 2018 Spring and Autumn
– International Wine Challenge China 2019—Judge of the Wine Tasting Competition Shanghai 2019
– Judge of Wine 100 Beijing 2018
– Judge of Wine 100 Beijing 2019