Wang Wei

      Master of Education, University of Manchester, UK, specializing in training and talent development. He is currently the President of East-West International Education Research Institute, Chairman and General Manager of East-West International Education Group, Adjunct Professor of Sun Yat-sen University, and Vice Chairman of China International Education Exchange Association’s Study Abroad Service Branch.
        In 2000, he founded Beijing Weijiu Consulting Co. He was also a director of American International Recruitment Council. Since he joined the company in 1985, he has visited dozens of countries and regions outside of China for more than 80 times.  His main research interests are international education and study abroad education. He has published the following articles: “The Actions and Contributions of Study Abroad Intermediaries” (Shenzhou Scholars, No. 7, 2018), “The Construction, Organization and Responsibility of China-Thailand Educational Exchange Research System” (World Education Information, No. 18, 2019); “The Contribution of China’s Study Abroad Intermediaries to the Development of the National Study Abroad Program since the Reform and Opening-up” (Journal of Jiangsu Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2018 No. 05), and organized and participated in the special research report on “The Development Status and Evaluation System of International Programs in High Schools” (published on September 8, 2019).