Speech and Debate (Rhetorical) Skills

Course Description:
This course is one of the compulsory courses of the “Intercultural Communication” module in the Global Competence series of theoretical courses. It introduces the basic principles of elocution and speech, basic quality requirements, classification and practical skills, how to draw an audience’s portrait, design the logical structure of a speech, opening and closing, and the layout and arrangement of the whole speech process. Combined with the theory of British parliamentary debates, this course introduces the basis of debate principles, arguments and debates, basic elements of arguments, types of arguments, descriptive arguments, how to initiate descriptive arguments, how to refute descriptive arguments, relational arguments, how to initiate relational arguments, how to refute relational arguments, evaluative arguments, how to initiate evaluative arguments, how to refute evaluative arguments, holding and structure, basic tactics and techniques, debaters and debaters’ speeches, decision making and strategy; introduction to the principles, techniques and examples of English speech and debate.

Course Outline:
Lecture 1: Good Speakers Are Trained Good People
Lecture 2: Rhetorical Speech of Many Types of Classic Three Types
Lecture 3: Other Miniature Speeches
Lecture 4: Appeal to Reason
Lecture 5: Appeal to Emotion
Lecture 6: Speaker, Argumentator
Lecture 7: Speech Preparation
Lecture 8: Speech Opening

Faculty Profile:
Chunyang Hu: Professor at the School of Journalism, Fudan University, Ph. D. in Journalism and Communication from Fudan University. Researcher at the Center for Information and Communication Research, Fudan University, a key research base for humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education. She is a visiting scholar at the Berkman Research Center of Harvard University, a senior visiting scholar at Purdue University and California State University, and a visiting professor at Zhuhai College in Hong Kong. He is dedicated to research and teaching in the fields of interpersonal communication and discourse analysis. Research areas: interpersonal communication, discourse analysis, new media and social change. She teaches courses including: Introduction to Communication, Interpersonal Communication Competence, Mass Media and Culture, Political Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Media Convergence, FIST International Cooperation Course, Interpersonal Communication Theory and Competence, Online Course, Interpersonal Communication Competence. Personal monographs “Silent Noise, Eternal Connection:Mobile Phones and Interpersonal Interaction”, “Introduction to Interpersonal Communication” (textbook), “Discourse Analysis:New Paths in Communication Research”. Translation of “Political Economy of Communication” and “Handbook of Interpersonal Communication Communication Research”. She is a member of the editorial board of Sociology and Anthropology, Zero Research Publishing Group since September 2015. From January 2016 to the present, She has been an editorial reviewer for Asian Studies in Hong Kong and Taiwan; from 2005 to 2007, She was a contributing writer for the culture column of the Global Times.