Southwest University Youth Class Students

New Era, Youth Speak|”Youth Speak” speech activity officially opened

Source: Southwest University “Youth Class” | Text: Hu Meng | Photo: Hu Meng
Editor: Hu Meng | Review: Ma Qianli

     “The youths of the new era are ambitious, responsible, and full of enthusiasm to speak out for China and its people.
The 20th Party Congress concluded with a victory, and the new era of China embarked on a new journey full of glory and dreams. Following the spirit of the Party, the “ Youth Class” launched the “Youth Speak” speech campaign. With the theme of “New Era, Youth”, this speech activity is based on the content of the classroom and the hot current events of the society, and builds a new platform for the youth to exchange and collide their ideas.

      The speech activity is flexible, and the “speech” is used to promote learning, and under the call of the class committee, students enthusiastically applied. According to the program, one student will give a 5-minute speech before each class, and the students will listen and participate in the scoring.
On November 12, 15:00, the first “Youth Speak” speech activity of the “ Youth Class” of Southwest University was officially opened. Due to the epidemic, the event was held online, and the class teacher, Mr. Ma Qianli, attended the event and participated in the scoring.

      First, Mr. Ma gave a speech, thanking the class members for planning the event, pointing out the importance of the “ Youth Speaks” event for students to practice eloquence, improve understanding and international comprehension, and announcing the official start of the event. After that, the class president Ms. Li Yixi, read out the arrangement of the event and the grading rules.

Opening of the “ Youth Speak” speech event

      This week, five students gave speeches. Wei Wenxuan called on youth to “refuse to be labeled” and to be plural youth who always walk on the path of exploration; Zhu Zihui re-drew the back of the youth in the Beibei fire and wrote about the responsibility and mission of the youth in the new era; Ji Jiayu analyzed the multiplicity of competition in innovation in the context of the course content and voiced the voice of self-breaking and seeking progress; Chen Tianxiang shared his thoughts on history, the present and the future, and positioned the “new” of “youth”. Mr. Xiao Wei shared his thoughts on reading and considered the responsibility of youth in escaping poverty.

“ Youth Speak” Speech Event

“Youth Speak” Speech Event

      The first week of speeches was a great success, and the students’ speeches were very informative. In the coming weeks, students will continue to pass the microphone of “ Youth Speak” to spread the voice of the times and show their youthfulness.

      Times change, and so do young faces, but the goal of patriotism and the pursuit of progress never changes, and the spirit of always being at the forefront of the times never changes. Looking up at the sky of history, crossing the river of time, the new era, the youth say, set off!