Report on the Series of Activities of the Youth Class of South-central University for Nationalities

The first meeting of the youth class was held successfully
    The first meeting of the youth class was even more valuable because of the epidemic, and the students were full of anticipation, curiosity and enthusiasm to meet with their “netmates”. Even though they were unfamiliar faces, they did not feel distant, and they soon sat down together to talk about their experiences in class, and under the guidance of the class leader, they collected their class shirts and took their seats to wait for the meeting to start. During the meeting, Ms. Hu Xinli, the class mentor of the youth class, spoke to the 40 youths. Ms. Hu first congratulated and praised the 40 young people for their success, and then summarized this semester’s Youth Global Competence Program and gave a detailed answer to the questions raised by the students. After summarizing the experience of implementing the Youth Global Competence Talent Program at CSUN. She also explained the practical activities of “reading a good book”, “conducting a research”, “conducting a report”, the morning reading English punch card system, the regular English corner, and the translation of the latest foreign literature during the summer vacation. Ms. Hu emphasized, “The biggest advantage of the youth class is that each student comes from a different major, and the best students from each major come together in the youth program. Students should not only cooperate in the classroom, but also learn to make friends with like-minded and complementary expertise through the platform of the Youth Class, and form their own excellent small teams in activities such as Internet+ and Challenge Cup.” At the end of the meeting, the students in the youth class took a group photo wearing their cultural shirts.

Figure 1 – Group photo of the new youth class

A feast of knowledge – the “lecture + course” format is well received
       Up to now, the four courses in the spring semester have come to an end. In the previous research on teaching, students generally reflected that the courses are of high quality and the teachers are admirable. The arrangement of 16 hours per course can systematically transfer knowledge in related fields; from theory to cases, it is highly concentrated and challenging, which can effectively help students build a new knowledge structure. The lecture series has been conducted three times in the spring semester. Corresponding to the course modules, the lecture series focuses on three themes: family and country, international understanding and cross-cultural communication. Students say that the courses and lectures complement each other, and the team of lecturers consisting of officials from international organizations, senior diplomats, executives from multinational enterprises and scholars from renowned universities creates a three-dimensional knowledge space with a wide perspective and multiple viewpoints for students.The courses are aligned with the core issues of the world, and through vivid and easy-to-understand concepts combined with the teachers’ personal experience of teaching for many years, they open up a “window to the world”, “window to the vision” and “window to the pattern” for the students in addition to their academic knowledge. “The students were able to learn more about the past, the present and the future of the world, and to learn more systematically how to see things from a new perspective. The students of the youth class have expressed that these courses have cultivated our sense of home, broadened our international perspective and enhanced our cross-cultural communication skills.

Figure 2-youth students listened carefully to the lecture

An orgy of practice – ask the alumni how the Entrepreneurial University “tosses and turns”
      The Youth Program is not only about teaching theoretical knowledge, but also about developing practical skills. In view of the epidemic, the practical activities of the Youth Program itself were hampered, so Ms. Hu organized a visit for the students in the Youth class to visit companies and face entrepreneurs directly, so that the students in the ivory tower could understand how to be a good job seeker and how to be a good entrepreneur, which are direct experiences that cannot be learned from books. Through the visit to Honeybee Heart Choice Company, the students got an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of the development of Internet enterprises, combined with the personal college experience of Mr. Xie Hao, general manager of Honeybee Heart Choice Company, and Mr. Xie Hao’s development plan for today’s fresh graduates, as well as the exchange of ideas and thoughts of the Student Challenge Cup, the students deeply realized that, in addition to learning good knowledge, do not rest on the status quo, must be brave to toss, will toss, but they should not be blind.

Exploration of Theory – Telling China’s Story and China’s Experience to the World
      During the course of the program, class instructor Ms. Hu personally led the Youth class students to use their knowledge of the Youth program as a basis to write a paper on the China experience and China story based on her experience and what she saw and thought during her posting in Enshi, and to submit it as a top international conference article. In the process of practice, the students were repeatedly praised: the experience of writing their first real-life papers made them aware of the direction of future improvement and points to work on, and also made them taste for the first time the honeyed fruit of their own participation in the articles that really went out of school and into the international arena; in the writing and translation of the papers, the content of the coursework knowledge became more vivid and familiar, and the once obscure square words became now able to speak with people. The whole creation process was not easy, but under the careful guidance of Ms. Hu, it was still smooth sailing. Not only did they end up with a decent result, but the teacher-student relationship also became closer during this practice – the path lit by the teacher and assisted by the students made the students gain a lot, and they hope to have more opportunities to tell Chinese stories and Chinese experiences to the world in the future.