New Youth Global Competency Development Program

        In order to implement the strategic goal of building a high-level education system and cultivating a high-level talent team as proposed in the 14th Five-Year Plan, China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) launched the “New Young Global Competent Talents Training Program” in October 2021, aiming to The program aims to accelerate the cultivation of high-level composite talents with national sentiment, global vision and international competitiveness, in line with the internationalization development goal of universities.

   I. Purpose
        “The “New Young Global Competent Talents Training Program” (hereinafter referred to as “the Program”) is based on the foundation of moral education and aims to implement the strategy of building a high-level education system and cultivating high-level talents as proposed in the 14th Five-Year Plan. It focuses on the three aspects of national sentiment, international understanding and cross-cultural communication, and uses a combination of courses and practical activities in the form of a “second classroom” to achieve the following training objectives.
        1. To help students gain a deeper understanding of China’s reform and development achievements and enhance their “four self-confidences”; to deepen their understanding of building a community of human destiny and the “Belt and Road” initiative; and to enhance their awareness of the community of human destiny.
        2. To help students understand the human, economic and social development of the world; to understand the operation of international organizations; to understand global political and cultural differences; to pay attention to global issues such as energy, environment, health and security.
        3. To help students learn how to tell the Chinese story, spread the Chinese voice, and show the real, three-dimensional, and comprehensive China; to improve their ability to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds; to learn to stand firm and take appropriate positions in international interactions; to improve their ability to resolve conflicts and contradictions in international interactions; to improve their ability in international academic exchanges; and to improve their international competitiveness.

    II. Content
         The program consists of three modules: “Contemporary China”, “International Understanding” and “Intercultural Communication”, and adopts the training method of “theory + practice”, which consists of nine courses, nine lectures combined with course themes, and nine practical activities at home and abroad that are organically connected with the course teaching. The 999 Model is composed of 9 courses, 9 lectures on the subject of the course, and 9 practical activities at home and abroad, which is referred to as the “999 Model”. The courses and lectures total approximately 160 hours (practical activities are not included in the total number of hours). Students will be awarded a certificate of completion of the program after registering for at least one course per module (totaling at least 48 hours) within one year. For more details, please refer to the program training plan (Annex 1).
         “The practical activities of the program mainly include: training activities and internship recommendations aimed at cultivating talents from international organizations and institutions; practical training activities in international enterprises with internship in large state-owned enterprises and multinational enterprises as the main content; activities to improve international academic research ability with training in famous international universities as the main content; mini-debate competitions to improve critical thinking ability as the main content; and mini-debate competitions to improve critical thinking ability. Small-scale debating competitions to enhance the ability of thinking; international cultural experience and research activities to develop international vision; student seminars to enhance the ability of cross-cultural communication, etc.

    III. Implementation
      (I) Management Mechanism
        The project is implemented by China Education Institute for International Exchange and Training (CIEIT), which is affiliated to me, and the universities concerned participate in the implementation of the project through declaration, organize students to take part in the project courses and practical activities, and provide necessary counseling and support for students together with the project implementation unit.
      (II) Implementation steps
       1. Participating colleges and universities sign cooperation agreements with China Education Institute of International Exchange and Training (CIIT) and agree on the training program, course outline, course content, number of class hours and course start time, etc.
       2. On the basis of students’ voluntariness, the participating universities organize and select students to participate in the project courses, and cooperate to organize students’ participation in relevant practical activities.
       3. The students participating in the project course will form the “New Youth Class” of the university; the participating universities will designate a person responsible for coordinating the implementation of the project in the university and provide the “New Youth Class” class teacher/tutor.
       4. The project staff and tutors of the participating universities will provide necessary services for the students together with the project implementation unit and solve the specific problems encountered by the students in the courses and activities of the project at any time.
       5. Participating universities carry out the project in accordance with the Implementation Guidelines of the New Youth Global Competency Training Program.
     (III) Scope of implementation
       Institutions that have declared the project and passed the evaluation by the expert steering committee

    IV. Declaration
      (I) Declaration Requirements
       The basic conditions for declaration are: agreeing with the objectives and goals of the project; having a clear international development plan and international talent cultivation program; having good facilities and foundation for online courses.
      (B) Declaration process
        1. The applicant should fill out the “Declaration Form for the New Youth Global Competency Training Program”, have it signed and stamped by the person in charge of the school, and submit it to the “New Youth Global Competency Training and Development Program Office” of China Education Institute of International Exchange and Training.
        2. The program organizes the relevant members of the “New Youth Global Competency Training Program Expert Steering Committee” to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the declaration of the institutions concerned.
        3. The China Education Institute for International Exchange and Training (CIEIT), which is affiliated to me, will sign the project cooperation agreement with the universities that pass the evaluation.
      (III) Declaration Method
       Please submit the signed Declaration Form of the New Youth Global Competency Training Program to the New Youth Global Competency Training and Development Program Office.

    V. Others
       1. Annual meeting of the project: In order to continuously improve the implementation of the project and enhance its effectiveness, the project will hold an annual meeting of the New Youth Global Competency Development Project to evaluate the effectiveness of the project and to recommend and showcase the implementation experience of the participating institutions.
       2. Compile the annual report of the project: The project will compile and organize the experiences, cases and research results of the project implementation institutions in global competency training, and compile the “annual report of global competency training” to promote exchange and mutual understanding, facilitate collaborative innovation and improve the implementation level.
       3. Establishing talent bases: Qualified declaring institutions can establish “New Youth Global Competence Talent Training Bases” as the implementation carrier of this program and play corresponding functions.
       4. Cooperation in establishing micro-specialties: Based on the curriculum of this program, the program can cooperate with the project institutions to build micro-specialties in the disciplines involved in the curriculum modules of the program through further integration of internal and external curricula, so as to jointly promote the improvement of the internationalization of talent cultivation.