New Youth Class

(I) “New Youth Class”
        Students selected by the school to participate in the program will take part in the program as a class. The classes are named Youth Global Competence Excelling Class (YGCEC) for short.
The selection of students will be made by the school according to the school’s situation. The basic requirements for the selection of students are: good moral character, good grades in their disciplines, agreement with the purpose of the program, desire to improve their abilities, good foreign language skills (ability to participate in lectures and discussions with foreign teachers) and ability to persevere in their studies.

(II) Class teachers
       The “New Youth Class” is treated and managed as a regular class in the school, and one of the teachers recommended by the school will be the class teacher (counselor). The main responsibility of the class teacher is to manage the education and teaching of the new youth class, which mainly includes paying attention to students’ learning, coordinating teaching work, tutoring courses, building classroom, establishing a good learning style, and maintaining teaching equipment and facilities.

(III) Class President
       The “New Youth Class” elects a student with strong overall ability to be the class president. The class president is the leader of the class and plays an exemplary role in academics, school spirit, discipline and activities. The main responsibilities of the class president are to assist the class teacher in the administration of the class, including the overall responsibility for class construction, strengthening the sense of belonging and cohesion, transmitting information, maintaining class discipline, and improving the level of management in the service of students.

(IV) Class Representative
       A class representative is elected for each course, whose main responsibilities are to assist the class teacher in completing matters related to the teaching of the corresponding course module, including organizing students who choose the same course to carry out pre-course pre-study, taking the initiative to carry out pre-course attendance checks, class equipment debugging, etc.