Li Yonghui

       D. in Law from Peking University. He is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor in the School of International Relations of Beijing Foreign Studies University. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the China Association for International Exchange, a member of the Board of Directors of the China International Friendship and Liaison Association, a member of the China Scholarship Council, a consultant of the China National Commission for UNESCO, and a member of the Beijing International Communication Center.
       He has been selected as one of the “Hundred Talents of Beijing Cross-Century Theory Project” and “Hundred Talents of Beijing New Century Social Science Theory Project”. His current research interests include American politics and diplomacy, diplomatic strategy and public diplomacy. He has authored and led the preparation of several books including The History of the United Nations (co-author), Contemporary World Political Economy and International Relations, Multi-track Diplomacy (translation), China Public Diplomacy Research Report 2011/2012, and Interviews with Zhou Enlai on Public Diplomacy, and has published dozens of papers.