International Organizations and Global Governance

Course Description:
This course is one of the required courses in the “International Understanding” module of the Global Competence Theory Series, which mainly provides an overview of existing theoretical studies on international organizations and global governance, including the interaction between international organizations and globalization, theoretical construction and practical paths of global governance, and future trends of global governance development. It introduces some current influential international organizations in the world, analyzes their organizational purposes and principles of behavior and the role they play in the field of global governance, etc., and combines the role of China, the United States and the European Union in global governance in current global governance practice as well as Chinese solutions. The contents include; the formation and development of international organizations, the goals and prospects of global governance, the relationship between international organizations and global governance, the model of global governance system, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, the functions of international organizations, the roles of China, the United States and the European Union in global governance, the role of China and Chinese solutions, etc.

Course Outline:
Session 1: International Organizations and Global Governance (Introduction)
Session 2: Theoretical Studies on International Organizations and Global Governance
Session 3: UN Peace Operations and Global Security Governance
Session 4: UNESCO and Global Education Governance
Session 5: The World Health Organization and Global Health Governance
Session 6: International Organizations and Humanitarian Relief
Session 7: International NGOs in Global Governance
Session 8: Chinese Social Organizations in Global Governance

Faculty Profile:

Tiewa Liu: Associate Professor, School of International Relations, Beijing Foreign Studies University, PhD in International Relations, Waseda University, Japan, JD in Law, Beijing University, specializing in UN and International Organization Studies, Asia-Pacific (US-Japan-Australia-China) Security Studies. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the United Nations Association of China, a visiting expert on international organizations at the South Centre in Geneva, a consultant to the National Commission for UNESCO, Deputy Director of the Center for the Study of the United Nations and International Organizations at Beijing Foreign Studies University, and an academic advisor to the Asia-Pacific Research Centre on the Responsibility to Protect at the University of Queensland, Australia. Courses taught include Economic Diplomacy (bilingual) for undergraduates, United Nations and International Organizations Studies (bilingual) for master’s students, and Selected Classic Literature on International Relations (English). Professor Liu has participated in and delivered lectures at many international symposia in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Japan, and has visited the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom and the University of Queensland in Australia as a visiting scholar. Her research in the field of the United Nations and international organizations, especially in the areas of UN peacekeeping operations, peacebuilding operations, responsibility to protect, comparative studies on the participation of major powers in UN multilateral operations, and the training of Chinese international organizations’ talents, has high theoretical value, practical value and social influence.