Global Climate Governance Roundtable Workshop

Event Description:
    The workshop will adopt the roundtable format commonly used by the UN Security Council and other international conferences to create a relaxed and interactive atmosphere. Students from different backgrounds will discuss the significance of a community of human destiny to global climate governance in light of the global threat of climate change, and what role China should play in promoting global climate change and building a community of human destiny. What role should China play in promoting global climate change and building a community of human destiny? How to understand the significance of climate change and the community of human destiny in the light of the complex political and economic situation at home and abroad, such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the inflation that has swept the world in the post-epidemic era? In the roundtable, we shared our most unique insights on the topic of global climate governance and the community of human destiny, discussed in depth various ideas and opinions, and offered suggestions to promote climate governance. We believe that such exchanges and sharing will allow more people to understand different environments and lives, broaden their horizons and arouse their interests, as well as promote the collision of ideas among different groups. In this workshop, the Office of Youth Global Competence Training and Development invited the negotiators of the Chinese delegation to the UNFCCC, the co-chair and member of the UNFCCC Adaptation Committee, advisory expert to the International Resources Committee of the United Nations Environment Programme and Professor Chen Minpeng from the School of Agriculture and Rural Development of Renmin University of China was invited to be the guide.

Mentor Profile:


Chen Minpeng

    She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the 6th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference (Adapting to the Future 2020), the Chair of the China-India Working Group on Agriculture and Land Use Change, and the Co-Chair of the Policy and Finance Committee of the World Adaptation Science Programme (WASP) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). She has chaired the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) Special Project on Climate Change, the “973” sub-project, the “12th Five-Year Plan” Science and Technology Support Sub-project, and the Basic Research Fund of the Ministry of Agriculture, etc. She has also participated in UNDP, GEF, ADB, the seventh European Union Framework, WWF, and China Environmental Macro Strategy. As a member of the Chinese delegation to the UNFCCC negotiations, she was responsible for negotiations on issues related to agriculture, adaptation and loss and damage, and served as co-chair and member of the UNFCCC Adaptation Committee, consultant of the International Resource Panel of the United Nations Environment Programme, and visiting researcher of the International Institute for Systems Analysis, Austria.