Cross-Cultural Communication and Exchange

Course Description:
In today’s “global village”, the world’s economy, politics and culture are highly intertwined, and cross-cultural communication is becoming more and more frequent, becoming an inseparable part of people’s life and work. Cross-cultural knowledge and skills are the qualities that “global villagers” must have, and cross-cultural competence is a key ability that future leaders must master. In particular, in the new world landscape, individuals and organizations, whether they are in one country or traveling, working, or distributed in different countries, face the influence, impact, and competition from different cultures around the world.

The international social environment is diverse and complex, and understanding and integration and seeking common development are important issues and challenges in the new era. The course will introduce students to the core concepts and theories in the field of intercultural communication, analyze the differences between different cultures at the material, behavioral and value levels, and explore the manifestation and impact of these differences in life, education, art, international business, international organizations and other scenarios. Through real-life cases and simulated tasks, the course will help students develop an awareness of intercultural communication, increase their knowledge of intercultural communication, improve their intercultural communication skills, train their ability to analyze and solve intercultural communication problems, and develop intercultural global competence.

Course Outline:
Session 1: Globalization and Intercultural Communication
Session 2: Understanding Culture
Session 3: Understanding Communication
Session 4: Verbal Communication and Culture
Session 5: Nonverbal Communication and Culture
Session 6: Comparative Framework of Cultural Differences
Session 7: New Perspectives on the Cognitive Science of Culture
Session 8: Cross-Cultural Competence and Leadership

Faculty Profile:

Lin Ma: is currently an associate professor at the International Business School of Beijing Foreign Studies University. She has a BA and MA in English Language and Literature from the School of English at Beijing Foreign Studies University and a PhD in Humanities from the School of Humanities at the University of Louisville. She has been a visiting scholar at the Australian National University, Michigan State University and ESCP European Business School in France, and has studied at the University of Michigan CCMB and the University of Stamford House Business School in the UK. Her main research areas include international marketing, integrated marketing communication, consumer behavior, and cross-cultural communication. She is an anonymous reviewer for Intercultural Communication Studies and Journal of International Marketing. She has led and participated in many research projects, including the Chinese Academic Translation Program of the National Social Science Foundation of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Youth Talent Program of Beijing Universities, the Beijing Social Science Foundation, the Youth Project of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, and the ‘Double First-class’ Major (Point) Landmark Project of Beijing Foreign Studies University. She has published more than 10 papers in international and domestic core academic journals and conferences such as International Business Review, Intercultural Communication Studies and Modern Communication. She has published a monograph “Postmodern Advertising and Its Reception: ACross-Cultural Perspective” and participated in the preparation of the “11th Five-Year Plan” national textbook “Business English Reading”.