Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Course Description:
Climate change and sustainable development have become an important area of global governance and one of the key components of the global competence development and curriculum system.In 2015, the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations is a milestone in global governance and marks the full entry of global sustainable development into the 2.0 era.The international discourse system and the world order are undergoing significant changes, the global governance agenda is also changing, and a new global governance system is taking shape. In this context, this course will enhance students’ basic knowledge and ability to participate in global climate and environmental governance in three dimensions: knowledge and understanding, attitudes and values, and skills and actions, and build students’ global competence, including helping them to understand the background of climate change and sustainable development, its historical evolution and the latest development trend of the new phase, and to master the important theories, basic methods and practices of global climate and environmental governance,thus to further understand the idea of ecological civilization and the global governance concept of “Community of shared future for mankind” proposed by Chinese government.

Course Outline:
Session 1: Important Global Environmental Issues
Session 2: Climate Change and Its Impacts
Session 3: Climate Change Emission Reduction and Response
Session 4: Brief History of Climate Negotiations
Session 5: Climate Negotiations in Practice
Session 6: Sustainable Development
Session 7: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Session 8: History and Experience of China’s Sustainable Development and Climate Change Response

Faculty Profile:

Minpeng Chen: Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, School of Agriculture and Rural Development, Renmin University of China. D. in Environmental Science and Engineering, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University. Prof. Minpeng Chen has been engaged in cross-scientific research related to agricultural environmental system simulation and agricultural environmental policy analysis, mainly in the areas of nutrient cycling at different scales, environmental impact analysis and policy assessment, risk analysis and adaptation strategies of climate change on agricultural and rural development, agricultural sustainable development assessment and policy analysis. She is in charge of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the National Development Commission (NDRC), the sub-projects of “973”, the sub-projects of “12th Five-Year Plan”, and the basic research funds of the Ministry of Agriculture. She participated in UNDP, GEF, ADB, the seventh European Union Framework, WWF, National “Tenth Five-Year Plan” Scientific and Technological Tackle, China Environmental Macro Strategy and many other projects. As a member of the Chinese delegation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations, she was responsible for negotiations on agriculture, adaptation and loss and damage related issues.She has published more than 30 papers,with more than 400 citations accumulated, and participated in the compilation of 10 monographs.