Chinese Solutions for Global Governance: Concepts, Policies and Practices

Course Description:
After the 2008 global financial crisis, in response to the restructuring of globalization and the reorganization of China’s relationship with the world, China has become more proactive in global governance, taking on more international responsibilities and committing itself to playing a leading role in the global governance reform process. To this end, China has put forward a series of new ideas and policies on global governance issues, which have strongly contributed to the reform of the existing global governance mechanisms.
This course aims to help students understand China’s basic concepts, ideas and policies on global governance issues from the basic framework of international political economy,as well as the basic content and policies of China’s proposed reforms and governance programs in major global governance issues.The course is designed to develop students’ ability to analyze global governance issues and enhance their global competence.
The course covers the basic theories of China and global governance issues, the evolution of China’s relationship with the world and its laws, and China’s role in global finance, the multilateral trading system, global development issues, global security, global Internet security, international human rights and other global issues.

Course Outline:
Session 1: Introduction to China and Global Governance
Session 2: China’s Foreign Policy and Participation in Global Governance
Session 3: China and Global Financial Governance
Session 4: China and Global Trade Governance
Session 5: China and Global Development Governance
Session 6: China and Global Security Governance
Session 7: China and Global Internet Governance
Session 8: China and Global Human Rights Governance

Faculty Profile:

Yong Wang:He is currently a Professor at the School of International Relations, Peking University, Director of the Center for American Studies, Peking University, Director of the Center for International Political and Economic Studies, Professor at the Party School of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Professor at the Senior Civil Servants Training Program, Peking University, China, Professor at the African Diplomats Training Program, Peking University, Ministry of Commerce, China, Member of the Global Agenda Committee on Geopolitics, World Economic Forum (WEF), Davos, Switzerland Distinguished Scholar, School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Canada. He has a Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD in Law from Peking University. His main research areas include China-US relations, China-US economic relations, trade politics, regional cooperation, international economic relations, international political economy, and global governance. He studied at Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Sino-American Cultural Studies, and has also studied at the University of California, San Diego, the Pacific Council on International Policy (PCIP)-University of Southern California, the Center for International Relations Studies at National Chengchi University, Taiwan, Indiana State University, the Canadian Center for International Governance Innovation ( CIGI), and the Institute of Political Economy at the University of Sheffield, UK, and is the Chavelier Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada.
He is currently on the editorial boards of Global Asia, Global Governance, Contemporary Politics, Human Security, and the International Advisory Board of the Review of International Political Economy (RIPE). He is a member of the International Advisory Board of the Review of International Political Economy (RIPE).

Professor Wang Yong has published 11 books, including China and International Political Economy: A Global Dialogue, Obama’s Political Economy, The Political Economy of International Trade, China-US Economic and Trade Relations, and The Most Favored Nation Round: China-US Economic and Trade Relations 1989-1997, etc. He has published dozens of academic papers in Chinese, English, Japanese, Spanish, and Korean. 2008, Professor Wang Yong was selected by the Ministry of Education “New Century Excellent Talents Program”, and “Sino-US Economic and Trade Relations” won the First Prize of 2008 Beijing Social Science Achievement.

Professor Wang Yong has been invited to lecture at World Trade Organization (WTO), World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Harvard University, Stanford University, UCLA, Center for International Strategic Studies (CSIS), U.S.-China National Council for Trade, University of Toronto, UBC, French Institute of International Relations, Waseda University, Keio University, Japan Defense Research Institute, German Association of Industry and Commerce, the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, the Institute of International Affairs of South Africa, and the Roy Institute of International Policy of Australia. He has represented Chinese think tanks at the G20 Think20 Summit and delivered speeches on several occasions.