Chen Yan

      D. in Economics, Professor, PhD supervisor, well-known scholar of international business and international trade, visiting scholar of University of Manchester Business School, Liverpool Management School and Brunel University, UK. He is currently the Director of International Exchange and Cooperation Department of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He is an anonymous reviewer of “Changjiang Scholars”, a consultant of the Department of Electronic Commerce of the Ministry of Commerce, a consultant of the draft agreement of the Free Trade Area between China and New Zealand, the chairman of the Academic Committee of the National Association for the Study of International Trade Practices, the executive director of the Chinese Society of Soft Sciences, the editorial board member of the SSCI journal JDA, etc.
       In recent years, he has published more than 130 academic papers in core journals at home and abroad, such as Management World, World Economy, International Business Review and Management International Review. He has published 25 academic monographs and textbooks as the first author. He has presided over more than 20 projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the International Cooperation Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Research Project of the Ministry of Commerce, the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education, the Corporate Strategy Consulting Project and the Quality Course Construction Project. His research interests include strategic performance and innovation, digital economy and open innovation, internationalization of enterprises in emerging economies, cross-border e-commerce, smart business and paperless trade, squeeze type development and higher education, and science and education engineering management.